Japonijos žlugimas

Japonijos žlugimas

Fall of Japan: In Color

10 (2)


When American troops joined the epic battle against the Japanese in World War II, a British journalist followed along, equipped with a movie camera, some rolls of color film, and a powerful friendship with General Douglas MacArthur. Follow the travels of war correspondent William Courtenay and his unrivaled reporting on the Pacific campaign and its great commander. Then witness his remarkable archival recordings, from multiple island attacks to the aftermath of the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Metai: 2015

Šalis: USA

Režisierius: Martina Hall

Žanras: Dokumentinis

Aktoriai: Corey Johnson

Kalba: Lietuvių (Profesionalus, vienbalsis)

Panašios naujienos
Nepalaužiama dvasia
3.2 HD 2018
Birmingemo gauja
8.8 HD S5
Birmingemo gauja
8.8 HD S6
Birmingemo gauja
8.8 HD S1
Birmingemo gauja
8.8 HD S2