Oskaras ir ponia Rožė

Oskaras ir ponia Rožė

Oscar and the Lady in Pink

1h 45m
10 (3)


Listening in to a conversation between his doctor and parents, 10-year-old Oscar learns what nobody has the courage to tell him. He only has a few weeks to live. Furious, he refuses to speak to anyone except straight-talking Rose, the lady in pink he meets on the hospital stairs. As Christmas approaches, Rose uses her fantastical experiences as a professional wrestler, her imagination, wit and charm to allow Oscar to live life and love to the full, in the company of his friends Pop Corn, Einstein, Bacon and childhood sweetheart Peggy Blue.

Metai: 2009

Šalis: France, Belgium, Canada

Režisierius: Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Žanras: Drama

Aktoriai: Michèle Laroque, Amir Ben Abdelmoumen, Max von Sydow, Amira Casar

Kalba: Lietuvių (Profesionalus, dvibalsis)

Panašios naujienos
Mindės projektas
7.4 HD S3
Raudona rožė
6.4 HD S1
Keistuolių sala
7.3 HD 2019
Nepamirštama meilė
5.6 HD 2021